

What is Attitude?

Attitude is our inward feeling expressed by our behavior. Attitude is our outlook on life, based on our past experiences. It is that which draws people toward us or repels them.

This Video is so Popular in Social Media, which shows the Attitude of a candidate in an interview. Many comes and go but who was selected is the point of attraction.

When a person’s attitude is positive, it is conducive to growth and progress. A hardened attitude on the other hands leads to a closed mind.

How Important is our Attitude?

Example:-  Let’s consider two buckets- one an eternal optimist other is a staunch pessimist. The second bucket, on approaching the ‘well’ said, “There has never a life as disappointing as mine. I may come away from the well, full to the brim, but when I return I am empty.” On the other hand, the optimistic bucket said, “There has never been such a happy life as mine. Whenever I come to the well I go away I am full.”

A negative person always sees only the worst side of things. He sees only the problems, while a positive person sees the good in everything, the silver lining behind every cloud.

Positive Attitude gives you success

There are some basic truths about how our attitude affects our success and our outlook on life.

Our attitude determines our approach to life. It determines what we expect from life-whether we are preparing to take off or heading for a crash.

Most times it is our attitude that is the only difference between success and failure. Compare the attitude of Two Shoe Salesman who went to an island to sell shoes.

The first salesman, on arriving on the island, was shocked when he saw that no one on the island was wearing shoes. Immediately he sent a telegram back to the Head office saying, “will return home tomorrow. No one wears shoes.

The second salesman, on arriving at the island was confronted with the same sight. However, he joyfully telegraphed back, “Please send me 10,000 shoes. Everyone needs them.”

Two men came to the same place and saw the same thing – both perceived something totally different. The difference was in their attitude. One saw it as the beginning of a new opportunity while the other saw it as the end.

Attitude Calculation, How Attitude gives you job

Often, our attitude at the beginning of a task will affect its outcome more than anything else. Our attitude can turn problems into blessings.

How Attitude Affects our Goals?

To those with a positive attitude, adversity brings out the best in them. They are like kites rising against the wings – when the adverse winds of criticism and failure blow against them, instead of bowing and bending before it, they use it as the lever to rise. They try and turn adverse situations into positive and helpful ones.

Some of the greatest works in the English language were written when their authors were imprisoned and behind bars.

Right Attitude leads you to success

Robinson Crusoe was written in prison by Defoe. John Bunyan wrote, ’The Pilgrims Progress’ while in Bedford’s jail. Sir Walter Raleigh wrote his ‘History of World’ during 13-years imprisonment in the Tower.

For 10 years, Dante, the author of Devine Comedy, worked in exile and under the sentence of death.

Beethoven was almost totally deaf and burdened with sorrow when he produced his greatest symphonies.

If we start the day with spring to our steps, a song on our lips and a smile on our face, we are more likely to have a wonderful day. The future not only looks bright when the attitude is right, but the present is also much more enjoyable.

Role of Positive Attitude in our Life

We feel and accept an attitude at an early age, based on circumstances and surroundings, but as we grow we should mold it to develop into a positive attitude.

When faced with obstacles, you may believe that you are the only one facing difficulty. At such times, it is inspiring to read about great men who initially faced repeated failures and rejections – yet, overcome them because they had the right attitude.

I Can not Do it
Your Attitude Defines You

When Polish Pianist Ignace Paderewski first chose to study the piano, his music teacher told him that his hands were too small to master the keyboard.

Enrico Caruso, the Italian tenor singer, was told by one of his teachers that his voice sounded like the wind whistling through the window. Henry Ford forgot to put a reverse gear in his first car.

Yet, these very same people, who were told ‘that they could never do something’ or ‘forgot one of the most basic things’, achieved greatness in their respective fields. They did not get disheartened or disillusioned. They considered their failures to be ‘stepping stones’ on the road to achievement and fame. The persistence of a person who encounters failure is often a sign of a healthy attitude. Winners don’t quit.

Almost everyone is aware of the phenomenal success of the McDonald Chain of Restaurants, everywhere in the world. But not everyone knows that the guiding philosophy of their executives is ‘press on’. “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common in this world than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; the world is full of educated men who have not made it. Persistence and determination are the cornerstones of success”.

“If You Think You are a Winner, You Will Definitely Win”

Believe in your worth, have a purpose to start with. For it is you who determines the course that you sail.
