

Swami Vivekananda was one of the great social thinker and pioneer in social reforms in India. He was a key figure in the introduction of the Indian philosophies of  Vedanta and Yoga to the Western world. He was influenced by his guru, Ramakrishna Paramhansa, from whom he learned that all living beings were an embodiment of the divine self; therefore, service to God could be rendered by service to mankind. The single girl child fellowship was started by Union Government of India in the honor of Swami Vivekananda.

The Union Government of India has taken various steps to encourage the status of women by implementing various schemes including free education for girls. In our nation, several states having the sex proportion is alarmingly low. The government of India has found a way to raise the status of women by executing different plans including free training for young ladies.


The main objectives of this fellowship are :

To support higher education of single girl child in Social Science.

To promote the importance of single girl child in society.

To introduce the importance of small family to the society.


Any single girl child(only girl child in the family without having any brother or sister) of her parents pursuing Ph.D. in Social Sciences in Universities/Colleges/ Institutes is eligible to apply under the scheme. In a family, if one son and one daughter are available then girl child will not be considered for a fellowship under the scheme. Proof of being single girl child has to be submitted on an affidavit of Rs.50/- Stamp paper from the fellow/parent duly attested by SDM/First Class Magistrate/Gazetted Officer (not below the rank of Tahsildar) as per the prescribed proforma (Annexure I) at the time of filling the online application.

The scheme is applicable to such a single girl child who has registered herself in regular, full-time Ph. D. program in Social Sciences in Indian Universities/Colleges/Institutes as indicated below:

Universities/Colleges/Institutes included under section 2(f) and 12(b) of UGC Act, 1956.

Deemed to be Universities under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956 which are eligible to receive the grant in an assist from UGC.

Universities/Colleges/Institutes funded by Central/ State Govt.

Institutes of National Importance.

The age limit criteria for candidates is 40 years for General category and 45 years for reserved categories as on the last date of submission of online application are eligible.

Transgender candidates are eligible to apply under the scheme as per the government standards.

Note: Admission to Ph.D. Course in Distance Education mode is not eligible for this scheme. 



The following assistance is available under the scheme

Slots: The quantity of slot for fellowship might be chosen each year based on qualified applications finish in all regards, got through online mode.

Tenure: The tenure of the fellowship is for five years and will be effective from 1st April of the election year or the actual date of joining under the fellowship in the University/College/Institute, whichever is later. Fellowship will be granted up to the date of submission of Ph.D.  Proposition or 5 years of tenure whichever is earlier. No extension is permissible beyond the total period of five years, and the fellow ceases to be a UGC research fellow immediately after the expiry of the due date.  

Financial Assistance :

 The financial assistance provided is as follows :

Fellowship@ Rs. 25,000/- p.m. for Initial two years


@ Rs. 28,000/- p.m. for remaining tenure  Contingency

Contingency@ Rs. 10,000/- p.a. for initial two years


@ Rs. 20,500/- p.a. for remaining tenure

Escort  Reader Assistance



@Rs. 2,000/- p.m. in case of PWD candidates


Suitable single-seated hostel accommodation may be provided to the candidates in the institutions. In such cases, the fellow is eligible to draw only hostel fees excluding mess, electricity, water charges, etc. A certificate to this effect is to be furnished through the Registrar/Director/Principal. HRA is not permitted for those candidates who are staying in Hostel accommodation.

In case of nonavailability of hostel accommodation, the fellow may be provided with single accommodation by the host institution. In such cases, the rent paid by the fellow on actual basis may be reimbursed subject to the maximum amount of HRA as per Govt. of India standards.

If the fellow makes her own arrangements of accommodation, she may be entitled to draw HRA as per categorization of cities by the Govt. of India.

Note:  In all the above cases, the fellow will submit a relevant certificate (Annexure-VI) through the concerned University/College/Institute to the identified Agency for settling the claim.

Medical Facility :

No separate/fixed medical assistance is provided. However, the fellow may avail the medical facilities available in the Universities/Colleges/Institutes.

Leave: Candidate gets three type of leave and all kinds of leave should be approved at the level of the University/College/Institute.

Maximum 30 days leave in a year in addition to public holiday may be taken by the candidate. However, they are not entitled to any other kind of leave, such as summer, winter and pooja holidays.

Maternity leave as per the Govt. of India standards issued from time to time would be available at full rates of the fellowship once during the tenure of their award.

Academic leave (without fellowship and other emoluments) shall be permissible only for one year throughout the tenure (for any kind of academic/teaching assignment/foreign visit in regarding research work). The phase of leave without fellowship will be counted towards the tenure. Expenditure on a foreign visit in connection to research work cannot be claimed from UGC.


Applications are invited once in a year. The advertisement is published in leading newspapers and employment news. Candidates will also check the UGC website for further notifications.

Note: candidates have to apply online mode only and applications should be filed strictly as per instructions are given in the online portal. Incomplete applications can not be accepted.


The fellowship will be awarded on the basis of suggestions of the Expert Committee constituted by the Commission. The decision of the Commission will be final. The result shall be published on UGC website.  Award letters can be downloaded from UGC online application portal.  If the candidate is availing any other fellowship from any another organization then she shall be required to surrender one fellowship.


The candidate should join within 3 months from the date of issue of fellowship joining letter. If the candidate is unable to join the fellowship within this period then it will be treated as canceled.


The fellowship amount is directly credited to the bank account of awardees through UGC designated bank. The list of designated branches of UGC identified bank is available on the UGC online portal.  The candidate is required to contact the designated branch along with a copy of the Award Letter and Joining Report with a photograph, address proof and contact number in the prescribed proforma as per Annexure-II. The candidate is also required to submit the following documents to the designated branch of the UGC designated bank at the fixed period interval-

At the end of every quarter a ‘Continuation Certificate’ in the given proforma as per Annexure-III. This will make the candidate eligible to draw the fellowship for the next three months.

After completion of one year of the fellowship/award, the concerned candidate shall submit the Progress Report in the proforma prescribed by the UGC as given in Annexure-IV and also submit accounts of contingency grants in the proforma prescribed by the UGC as given in Annexure-V.

The candidate shall submit the HRA Certificate in the prescribed proforma given in Annexure-VI.   

Note:  The approved Agency may verify the genuineness of records before disbursal of funds.  


Progress Report: The candidate shall submit the yearly progress report on their respective research work which is duly signed by Guide and forwarded by HOD and Registrar/Principal/Director of the concerned institution to the identified agency.

Assessment Committee Report: A three-member Assessment committee formed by the University/Institution examines the progress report of the research work done by the candidate after 2 years and the observations send to the identified agency.   If the progress report found unsatisfactory the fellowship may be canceled by the commission at any time of the tenure of the fellowship. In this case, the decision of the commission will final.

Any other Fellowship/Assignment/Job : The candidate who is awarded by this fellowship will not accept any other fellowship or hold an appointment, paid or otherwise, or receive any emoluments, salary, stipend, etc. from any other source during the period of the fellowship (except in case of academic leave of one year). If the candidate wishes to apply for any other fellowship during the period of the fellowship, she is not necessary to obtain NOC from UGC. In case of selection, she would be mandatory to tender resignation from the UGC fellowship.


After completion of research work candidate shall have to submit her research work INFLIBNET repository along with the research papers published. At least 2 research papers (1 National and 1 International) must be submitted.   

One National/International publication at the time of submitting three-member assessment committee report. 

One National/International publication by the end of the period of the fellowship.

Note: The last two installments will be released only after submission of the feedback and research work in the repository. The fellow will also submit the Ph.D. completion certificate to INFLIBNET.


The candidate who wants to leave the research mid-way without completing research degree will have to submit her resignation duly forwarded by the concerned University/College/Institute to the designated agency under intimation to UGC office. The grant will be released up to the date of resignation submitted by the candidate. 


Transfer of the Research Place should be done by concerned University/College/Institute under the warning to UGC and designated agency. Transfer of Research place will be allowed only once during the entire period of the fellowship. 


UGC may cancel the fellowship in following conditions :

If the candidate is found to be not qualified to receive the fellowship, at any point in time during the entire duration of the fellowship.

Any false information was given by the applicant.

Misbehavior of candidate.

The unsatisfactory progress of research work by the candidate.

Any other fellowship is drawn from any other source/University or Institution


The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India vide its letter D.O. No. 187/2013-U1A dated 10th June 2016 has instructed the University Grants Commission that from the financial year 2016-17 onwards the Aadhaar has been made mandatory for the expenditure of all Government subsidies/Scholarships/Fellowships which are to be disbursed directly into the beneficiary’s account. Accordingly, Aadhaar will be used as an Identifier for the release of the grant under the scheme.

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