
How to Make a RESUME for First Job – Resume with no Experience

No Experience?? First Resume with No Work Experience? Don’t Worry. 

I commit; you have your resume in your hand after reading this article with your full concentration.

Writing a resume could be an intimidating task. Whereas the resources providing writing tips are huge in number while few indeed offer a step by step method in a way how to write one. 

But before starting, I need two strong commitments from your side:

  1. Concentration: Which you have to maintain from the first letter to the last letter of the article. This resume writing may take your half an hour but I challenge you; not only resume you may also bump with your passion. Just follow the given instructions.   
  2. Pen and Paper: I know this is an intimidating task at the time of computer and laptop generation. No one prefers this method. But this is the only way we can get the best possible results. It will help us to make a prototype of your life journey. Each best Product has its prototype first. Never miss this step. 

Let’s face it.

You just remember one thing, In each step, you have to think practically and mention each point on your paper what we are going to discuss. It will surely help you at the time of interview as well when the interviewer asks about it.  

Tip 1: Writing a resume is a fine art and this must be changed every time according to job description. 

How to Make a Resume for First Job?

Think of your resume in this way: It’s a pamphlet, and you’re the product. You aim to get hiring managers to shop for into what you’re offering – which implies giving you an interview. To accomplish that, you wish to visualize it as your promoting tool, your trusty deposits. You are helpless without it.

Now, all depends on your talent how to present yourself in front of anyone with your professional tool i.e. resume. Make sure you have the position in your mind at which you are going to apply at the time of resume writing.

Step By Step Guide to Make a Resume: 

  1. Format of your Resume: A Decent One
  2. Purpose of Resume: Headline with Great Effect
  3. Chronological Resume Format – Reverse-Chronological
  4. Education and Technical Details: Strong Representation
  5. Achievements and accomplishments: Highlight it
  6. Training, Leadership Work, Co-curricular activities: A Single Weapon
  7. Best Keywords: Must when Applying Online
  8.  Cover Letter: Soul of Your Resume

First step for How to Make a RESUME for First Job 

1. Format of your Resume:

Choosing the right format is the first entry of your resume in interviewer’s mind. Hundred’s of candidates are applying for a single job and an interviewer always prefer a candidate with some experience.

So, what we can do?

how to make a resume for first jobSource: Zety

Well, the right formatting of your resume gives an internal push to check your paper. So the right format is must get shortlisted in one shot. 

Pen & Paper 1: Search out a decent and perfect format which attracts someone’s eyes easily or create your own if you have creative thinking. It will ensure your resume going to be different from all other copied one.

Contact Information Details on Resume:

How to display your contact information in resume and what details to mention? Your contact information must have some format and looks decent. Below mentioned examples will help you more:

Important Contact Details:

Name: Full Name

Mobile Number: Personal Mobile phone

Mail ID: Most preferred way of communication.

how to write resume for freshersSource: Zety

For more professional Look for your resume: LinkedIn URL: Since it’s most preferred network for professionals.

2. Purpose of Resume: Headline with Great Effect

Your resume is your marketing tool. It is a short work history, list of accomplishments, and education that you are just going to present in front of an interviewer.

So, your heading must hit the interviewer’s mind directly and defines your capabilities in one or two sentences. 

Let’s take an example: Linda wants a get a job as an IT Engineer in a reputed IT industry. So, her Headline must emphasize her related coursework and unpaid experience at college or School. 

Pen & Paper 2: Write 3 to 4 Sentences which you have in your mind right now that defines you. Don’t worry about perfection, correct it after our discussion. It will take some time. 

3. Reverse Chronological Resume Format

Reverse Chronological is perfect for Freshers. Reverse Chronological means writing your work experience in Reverse Chronological format. This will help you to highlight your educational or experience stuff easily.

Tip 2: Don’t wait for the final time to come. Start making your resume from now. It helps you to give more perfection to it with time.  

You must follow a particular order or discipline to write your experience paper. Below some points which we are also describing in our full article. The order of resume as follows:

resume templateSource: Zety

1. Name and Contact details

Start with your name including Email address, Address, and Contact number

2. Objective or Headline

Your objective must be a good one. Your goal Must start with who you are and what you bring to the job, then describe the skills and attributes you have that suit you to the job in three to four sentences. Don’t copy it from anyone.

✍️✍️✍️: 30 Infosys HR Interview Questions to Get Hired: Infosys Careers

4. Experiences

It includes all the past experiences (in case of an experienced person) that you have in other industries in short your employment history or any volunteering activity you have done

5. Technical/Software Skills

It is a list in which all software/technology is mentioned known to you. Like Programming Languages, Software like Tally, etc.

6. Achievements

Mention awards and prizes by which you are honored in any competitions during your college or employment. Please don’t include that type of events which don’t have value.

7. Hobbies

This section is mainly for a fresher which shows the interest of that person. Write those type of activities that you are sure about; in case interviewer know about that your hobby and then he starts asking about the same and that time you are in trouble.

8. References/Referees if any

If you have good references then don’t forget to mention it. And if your reference is good you have a good impact on the interviewer. Contact is everything; good relations always give you fruitful results.

Pen & Paper 3: Make a layout that shows above-mentioned points and in the further discussion we will discuss the things to be mentioned or to be omitted.  

4. Education and Technical Details:

This part includes all your information like your 10th, 12th, Degree marks or percentage and place from which you completed your education with Institute name. 

The way you represent it defines your real skills. This is the only thing you have, after all, you are a fresher.

How to Make a RESUME for First Job, Resume with no Experience defines that you just have Education platform to show on your resume.

Pen & Paper 4:Write Down your all educational background which includes all your high school and degrees details in a proper format.  

Technical Detail is a list in which all your skills have to mention like software/technology known to you. Like Programming Languages, Software like Tally, etc.

If your field is commerce then about your certifications or any skills which can be a useful tool for the company you applied for.

Tip 3:CV is a detailed summary of your work experience and study, but the resume is a short description of yourself. Make sure don’t pad out your resume. One page resume gives you more result than two pages of it.  

5. Achievements and accomplishments: Highlight it

As a fresher, your achievements will show your attentiveness and hard work. Mention each valuable achievement and highlight with some bold mark or underline as suites your format of resume.

Pen & Paper 5: Write Down your all achievements and accomplishments that will help you to write a final resume.

This will gives some assurance to your interviewer about your leadership skills, your passion for completing tasks etc. 

Hope you are in the process of finding your answer for How to Make a Resume for first job…

6. Training, Leadership Work, Co-curricular activities: A Single Weapon

Training or internships, any type of leadership activities or co-curricular activities are the only weapons that will help you to get the job. The number of points defines the percentage of a selection of your resume.

Pen & Paper 6: Write Down your all your internships and trainings with some explanation like what can help you from this training or activities to get the job. and strikeout the right one.  

So, the points must be clear and you must ready to define the things if asked at the time of interview.

Resume Samples

7. Best Keywords: Must when Applying Online

Remember one thing. Your first step of selection is based on your resume. Your dream company may receive hundred’s of resumes daily.

So, you are out without any notice if you don’t know about the present selection criteria based on your resume.

Nowadays many companies are using special software to shortlist the resumes directly without any human interference.

They use software that scans applications for keywords and phrases. As a result, many of them are out in a single scan.

Pen & Paper 7: Write Down all keywords related to the job you are applying for; google will help you out to find the best one.  

Think; If you are not aware of these keywords you are out of the race without participating.

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For selection in the first step note down your field related keywords and confirm their presence in your resume at the right place and with right density. 

Mainly these keywords include:









8. Cover Letter: Soul of Your Resume 

Cover Letter with Resume gives a perfect combination to become more representative and proof yourself as a professional. 

Sometimes your resume doesn’t have that much skills which is required for the position but due to your perfect cover letter you may be selected for interview on the basis of your cover letter.

Make your cover letter in this way that you are a perfect candidate for the job.

Pen & Paper 8: Ask yourself, why you are applying for this job? and what is the reason of your selection? What capabilities you have? Just write all this on your paper. 

Pen and Paper Conclusion:

Yes, this is the right time to conclude all the points you have on your paper. Let me share an example for Resume. Resume samples for Freshers

Analysis of Resume is Must   

Now, How to do analyses of your paper? Reviewing your resume from some experienced persons is important. It helps you to find out the small mistakes that you are not able to find out quickly.

We are also there for you to find out your errors in your resume free of cost. What have you to do for this?

Just send your resume at [email protected], and our experts help you to find out your mistakes in resume, and you can also discuss your career-related queries. We will try to solve it as soon as possible.

If you need help in writing a Perfect Resume, you can also comment below and share with others to help them. Don’t forget to comment on your views and Subscribe us to get latest updates.


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  1. Great Tips ! This site is very helpful for me and other fresher students who are looking for job. It’s actually a great and helpful piece of information. I am satisfied that you simply shared this helpful resume writing tips with us.I was seeking this particular information for a very long time. Thank you and good luck. Please stay us informed like this.Thank you for sharing great content.

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